Friday, October 19, 2007

Cybersex addiction triggering herpes epidemic

Taken from Stewart Home's myspace...

'Cybersex is generally seen as a safe option in an era of deadly sexual diseases. However, cybersex is not without infection risks according to a friend of mine who works at an internationally renowned institution in Baltimore (Maryland, USA) and since he wishes to remain anonymous I shall refer to only as Blaster (aka Doctor).

According to Blaster, yet to be completed and released research shows that cybersex addiction has triggered a fresh herpes epidemic. According to my friend the doctor, this is not as unlikely as it may at first sound because many people have contracted the herpes virus without knowing they have it and without any symptoms; likewise since cybersex often entails the same emotional involvements as physical sex (there have even been instances of divorce on the grounds of cyber infidelity), it can trigger the same stresses as any other type of sexual relationship, particularly when infidelity is involved, and it is this stress that triggers herpes outbreaks in those cybersex addicts who have never had a herpes attack before but in whom the virus has lain dormant for what is often years.

Innumerable instances of this phenomena have been found in both those who have a regular sexual partner but also indulge in cybersex, as well as those who have abstained from physical sex for years (and in some instances even a decade or more). Apparently one of the reasons this information is not being disseminated to the general public is because experts fear it might trigger panic and even lead to those who view cybersex as a safe option falling back into riskier sexual practices. So next time somebody sends you a message asking if you 'wanna cyber', think carefully before hitting the reply button.

It seems that cybersex is only safe sex for those among us who lack any 'real' sexual experience....'

1 comment:

Sayshun Jay said...

'wanna cyber'...? How does that even work, ... what the hell is wrong with me, all I get is loads of people trying to put money into my account as some doctor/priest/nun/nurse/traffic warden is being persecuted but has millions of GBP to give me, and I'm helping them as I only have to give half of it back.


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