Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Charlotte&Fred's Shit TV 1:6 www Premiere

Beloved Shitheads,

Charlotte & Fred are pleased to announce the World Web PremiƩre of Shit TV Christmas Special: Shitmas.

In a recent interview, they explained:

"After a tortuous 2 years of leprosy, herpes and extreme drug abuse,
we decided that we could no longer keep our fans waiting. One day we
woke up, finally sober, and, stepping over the unconscious, substance-
addled bodies of Winehouse and Doherty, we looked at each other and
said, 'Let's do it. It is time.'"

Young & Lindberg go further, stating, 'The demand from the public is too great
to ignore any longer. The pussy blister of ignorance needs popping. Shit TV
must been seen by all, continuously, forever.'

The episode can be viewed in this post or on youtube here:



Best Wishes,

The Shit TV Shitheads Association.

Part 1

Part 2

Want to watch all episodes? Go here: http://shittv.blogspot.com/

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